Thursday, September 30, 2010

Intro to the Grand Finale

It has been a while since I posted on this blog; most of you probably thought that it was over. In reality, I have been preparing the last few stories which will conclude the record of my adventures. My biggest adventure of all took several entries to cover and then I had to wait for permission from Jane (not her real name) before making public so much information about her. However, the story of my experience with Jane is a critical entry in the chronicle of my time in Pakistan. The time I spent with Jane was the single most life-changing part of my trip. During this time I learned a new appreciation for the reality of God, the Holy Spirit, and the spiritual battle we face. During my time with her I also learned the importance of keeping a lifestyle of companionship with the Holy Spirit and of not giving any foothold in my life to darkness. For these reasons I have decided to share the story so that others might learn from my experience. I hope you enjoy reading about what was for me the grand finale of my trip.

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